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Gymnastics activities in Harpenden for 3-8 year olds. Christmas Super Quest Morning Camp, The Little Gym Harpenden, Loopla

The Little Gym Harpenden
The Little Gym of Harpenden offers progressively structured classes and a positive learning environment to create opportunities for your child to try new things and build self-confidence, all with a grin that stretches from ear to ear. Our trained instructors nurture happy, confident kids through a range of classes like parent/child classes and gymnastics, plus fun extras like parties, camps and more.

Christmas Super Quest Morning Camp in Harpenden

5.0 (47)
from £45.00 per session
The Little Gym Harpenden, Rothamsted, West Common, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ
The Little Gym Harpenden
The Little Gym Harpenden
Rothamsted, West Common
10:00 - 13:00 Tue 05th Jan
from £45.00 per session
Category Gymnastics
Ages Covered 3-8 Years
Booking required Yes

About Christmas Super Quest Morning Camp

Super Quest Camp is full of exciting, creative missions where boys and girls will exercise their muscles, imaginations and cooperation skills – working together to complete a different Quest each day!

Our Christmas Themes of the week are:

Tuesday 20th - Thursday 22nd December

Sledging with Rudolph
- Wednesday 28th - Friday 30th December

- The Missing Polar Bear Palace

Saturday 31st December
- Noon Years Eve Extravaganza

Tuesday 3rd - Friday 5th January

- Poko, The Polite Penguin

Put on your super cape… it’s time for an adventure!

Early drop off and lunch club available on request. An extra £10 for each session
The Little Gym Harpenden, Hertfordshire
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